Brand Omron
Warranty 365 Days
Product Line Omron NT6002 Series
Supply Omron NT6002 Repair Kit
Packging & Delivery
Min Order1 piece
The information to be displayed (screen data) can be created on a computerusing the Support Tool and stored in the NT6002/NT6002C. The screen data canbe displayed on the NT6002/NT6002C in response to instructions from the host ortouch switch operation.
VICPAS supply NT6002-ST121B Omron NT6002 Touchscreen glass,Overlay and Display with 365 Days warranty and support Urgent Worldwide Shipping.
Question: What is the NT6002-ST121B Omron NT6002 touchscreen, protective fim ,diplay and other HMI parts price?
Answer: Submit a fast quote, send VICPAS an email for best price.
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